
Monday Dec 10, 2018
EP 64, Kyle Gorman on leading an effective team meeting.
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Thank you for tuning in to the Business Playmakers podcast, today we will be setting in on the Employer Blueprint Influencers Community where Kyle Gorman will be delivering a message about leading an effective team meeting. For more information about Employer Blueprint Influencers Community, visit www.ebinfluencers.com.

Monday Dec 03, 2018
EP 63, Jordan Tong
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Business Playmakers podcast presents one of many special episodes where we go back to the beginning, when the sound quality wasn't as good, and remix. Proudly we would like to welcome Jordan Tong to the Business Playmakers podcast!
Business Playmakers is proud to introduce Jordan Tong. After finishing his degree in Civil Engineering from Tennessee Tech University, Jordan joined his family business, Franz Building Services as a third generation owner. In 2007 Jordan was able to build the company from 1.7 million dollars to 10 million dollars with 400 employees in three states. Jordan also offers business coaching for other companies in his industry to grow and scale their business in the same way he has done. This is just one example of the type of leader Jordan is, as well as his love for being an entrepenuer. Enjoy the episode and don’t forget to rate, review, and subscribe.
Welcome to Business Playmakers, the podcast that meets with innovators, trailblazers, and leaders to learn about their experience and what success really means. Hosted by entrepreneur and leadership coach, Kyle Gorman.
Business Playmakers is presented by Employer Blueprint.
Employer Blueprint is dedicated to management and leadership development through one on one coaching and group seminars. You can find free resources from Employer Blueprint through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information simply visit www.employerblueprint.com.
References and Recourses
Zig Ziglar
See You at the Top
Michael E. Gerber
The E Myth, Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It.
Dave Ramsey
Jim Collins
Good to Great, Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.
Geoff Smart and Randy Street
Who, The A Method For Hiring
Bradford D. Smart, Ph.D
Topgrading, The Proven Hiring and Promoting Method that Turbocharges Company Performance.

Monday Nov 26, 2018
EP 62, Kyle Gorman Holiday Announcement, The Gift of Time
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Kyle Gorman delivers a special holiday message about things to be thankful for, as well as ways to show appreciation to employees using the gift of time.

Monday Nov 19, 2018
EP 61, Damion Lupo
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Business Playmakers is honored to have a special guest, Damion Lupo. Damion is the founder of Total Control Financial, a team with a mission to free others from the myth of wealth by way of Wall Street. Damion is also the founder of Yokido, a martial art focused on “Lethal Kindness”, and is a blend of Yoga and Aikido. In his career, Damion has owned more than 30 businesses, including his first when he was only 11 years old, and is the author of three books. Currently Damion has a goal of “freeing one million people from financial bondage.” In his conversation with Kyle, Damion challenges the Business Playmakers audience to ask themselves, “What is true” about their lives, and puts the focus on a bigger perspective than to make money. In reference to Tai Lopez, Damion mentions that some people see the videos with the Lamborghini in the garage and are motivated by that, however Damion asks that you “figure out whats under the hood of the car, and the guy.” It becomes obvious very quickly that Damion is constantly learning, as he references many influencers and authors throughout the podcast. Damion directs his message to empowering others to live the kind of life that is without regrets, and one where your excited about Monday morning because you are doing what you love. You can find out more about Damion and enjoy free content and downloads at www.damionlupo.com Enjoy the episode and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode of Business Playmakers.
Welcome to Business Playmakers, the podcast that meets with innovators, trailblazers, and leaders to learn about their experience and what success really means. Hosted by entrepreneur and leadership coach, Kyle Gorman.
Business Playmakers is presented by Employer Blueprint.
Employer Blueprint is dedicated to management and leadership development through one on one coaching and group seminars. You can find free resources from Employer Blueprint through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information simply visit www.employerblueprint.com.
References and Resources
Simon Sinek, https://startwithwhy.com
Dave Ramsey, https://www.daveramsey.com
Robert Kiyosaki, http://www.richdad.com
Buckminster Fuller, https://www.bfi.org
Tony Robbins, tonyrobbins.com
Sth Godin, http://sethgodin.strikingly.com
Grant Cardone, www.grantcardone.com
Peter Diamandis, http://www.diamandis.com
Brian Tracy, https://www.briantracy.com
Jim Rohn, https://www.jimrohn.com
Zig Ziglar, https://www.ziglar.com
Napoleon Hill, www.naphill.org
Tai Lopez, https://www.tailopez.com
Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long Term Fulfillment by George Leonard.
Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Seibold
How Rich People Think by Steve Seibold
Re Invented Life
by Damion S. Lupo and Christofer C. Asby
Total Control Guide to the QRP
by Damion S. Lupo with John D’ Arco, Attorney and CPA
The Quick and Dirty Guide to Gold and Silver
by Damion S. Lupo
All three found at https://damionlupo.com/new-page/

Monday Nov 12, 2018
EP 60, Amanda Owen
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Business Playmakers podcast presents one of many special episodes where we go back to the beginning, when the sound quality wasn't as good, and remix. Proudly we would like to welcome Amanda Owen to the Business Playmakers podcast!
Amanda Owen was multi year All State competitive softball player in high school, and that drive and passion led right into her professional career. Amanda went to college to pursue her passion in teaching special education and began her career in the school system, however Amanda always felt like there was more that she could do to give back to those with developmental disabilities. That experience led to the idea she had which later became the non-profit she founded and continues to lead today called Puzzle Pieces. Puzzle Pieces is an activity day center for individuals with special needs. Amanda’s passion and drive are very rare and infectious as well as inspiring. It was an honor for Business Playmakers to have Amanda on the show and we are certain that this show will not only be an inspiration to others as to what can be done to grow and drive business, but more importantly what can be done to give back to others and support a community.
Welcome to Business Playmakers, the podcast that meets with innovators, trailblazers, and leaders to learn about their experience and what success really means. Hosted by entrepreneur and leadership coach, Kyle Gorman.
Business Playmakers is presented by Employer Blueprint.
Employer Blueprint is dedicated to management and leadership development through one on one coaching and group seminars. You can find free resources from Employer Blueprint through YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. For more information simply visit www.employerblueprint.com.

Monday Nov 05, 2018
EP 59, Natasha Stanley
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Business Playmakers podcast is excited to bring you the first ever live episode featuring the owner of Bella Ragazza Boutique, Natasha Stanley. Natasha has had a passion for retail all of her working career. After attending school at Western Kentucky University and University of Kentucky, Natasha graduated with a degree in Merchandising, Apparel, and Textiles. After college, Natasha knew she wanted to use her creativity, however she went the route of working for a buying office in Jacksonville Florida. Although she did enjoy the experience and learned a lot from it, Natasha’s passion was in retail and customer service. That was when Natasha decided that she wanted to open her own store. After spending more time gaining as much experience as she could by working for other small businesses, Natasha decided to return to her home town of Owensboro Kentucky to open Bella Ragazza Boutique. Since then, Natasha has had many impressive accomplishments including building a substantial social media following and implementing a website for the purpose of making the shopping experience easier for her internet customers. Enjoy this episode of Business Playmakers podcast which was broadcast over Facebook Live from the beautiful Bella Ragazza store in downtown Owensboro. You can view a copy of the live broadcast at the Bella Ragazza Boutique Facebook page. Bella Ragazza Boutique can also be found on Instagram, as well as Twitter and Pinterest. Be sure to also check out shopbellaragazza.com for more information about Natasha and Bell Ragazza Boutique.